Elevate Your Self-Esteem

This session helps people boost their confidence and self-esteem independently.

Participants attending this session will learn how to independently:

Elevate their confidence and gain the self-assurance needed to face challenges head-on.

Boost their self-esteem by strengthening their sense of self-worth and value.

Overcome self-doubt and start believing in their abilities.

Embrace self-affirmation, adopt positive self-talk and affirm their strengths.

Prioritise self-care, learning how to put their well-being first and practice self-care regularly.

This session is for:

Young adults, adults and professionals who want to discover personalised strategies and practical tools to empower them to independently boost their self-esteem.

Anyone wanting to start a journey towards greater self-confidence and well-being.

Those wishing to reflect on and redefine their self-worth.

People who want to start doing things for themselves, that betters them and makes them feel good.

Anyone wishing to be happier and more content with their life, recognise positives and implement a positive mindset.

Additional information:

The duration of this session is 1 hour 30 minutes.
You may also find this session useful if you are a well-being practitioner or a mental health practitioner.

After completing this session, I would recommend checking out Your Starting Point and Empowerment!

Book your place and join the next online group session!

Alternatively, book your ticket through Eventbrite.