Access & Attend

This session helps parents get their children back into school after periods of absence and avoidance.

Why attend?

Gain a further understanding on the barriers to school attendance, including invisible barriers.
Explore strategies to encourage your child to return to school after periods of absence.
 Feel equipped to address various reasons for school absence, including school refusal and emotionally based school avoidance.
Understand what schools can offer in relation to attendance issues, and feel confident in approaching them for support.
Minimise your stress and worries related to school non-attendance.

This session is specifically for parents and carers:

 Of children who are not regularly attending school.
 Of children who do not want or feel able to attend school.
Who are facing stress relating to formal penalty fines and/or court action.
 Who feel school are not helping or being supportive.
Who are not sure how to approach or work with their child's school to solve issues relating to absence.
Who simply feel "stuck" and want a fresh perspective on how to move things forward.

You may also find this session useful if you are employed in a role which seeks to help parents and carers overcome attendance issues, such as School Attendance Officers, Educational Welfare Officers, Local Authority Attendance Leads, Family Support Workers, Designated Safeguarding Leads, School Mentors, Outreach Support, SENDCO, Learning Support Assistants and Teaching Assistants.

Additional information:
The duration of this session is 1 hour.

Participants have previously requested a letter to confirm they attended this attendance-related session, so they can show this to the school/local authority to evidence that they are trying to support their child to attend school more regularly. This offer is available to all participants of the session, at no extra charge, upon request - just let me know!

Book your place and join the next online group session!

Alternatively, book your ticket through Eventbrite.