Access & Attend School

Help your child return to school with confidence. Supporting a child struggling with school attendance can be stressful and exhausting. This session equips you with practical tools to address the root causes of absence and work effectively with schools.

Why attend?

Understand barriers to school attendance - Gain a deeper understanding of the visible and invisible barriers preventing your child from attending school.

Encourage your child’s return to school - Learn strategies that can help your child feel more comfortable and confident returning to school after periods of absence.

Address school refusal and emotional avoidance - Explore tailored techniques to tackle school refusal and emotionally-based school avoidance.

Work effectively with schools - Feel confident in approaching your child’s school to discuss attendance issues and find support.

Minimise your stress - Reduce the stress of dealing with fines, court action and other pressures related to non-attendance by using effective strategies.

This session is ideal for parents and carers who:

Have a child who isn’t regularly attending school and are unsure how to get them back.

Feel frustrated or unsupported by schools in addressing attendance issues.

Are dealing with penalties or court action and want practical steps to resolve the situation.

Feel stuck and need new ideas for moving things forward.

Who else might find this useful?
This session is also valuable for professionals like School Attendance Officers, Educational Welfare Officers, Family Support Workers and Designated Safeguarding Leads.

Additional Information:

The session is 1 hour long. Attendees can also request a confirmation letter to show schools or local authorities that they are actively working to support their child’s attendance, free of charge.

Facilitator: Ross Thompson

As a safeguarding and education specialist, I have worked with countless families to overcome school attendance challenges. In this session, I’ll guide you through practical strategies to help your child return to school, equipping you with the confidence to work with schools and create a positive outcome.

Choose your preferred date and time and join the next Access & Attend session. You can also book your place through Eventbrite.